Supplemental Data
Lab Protocols
Excel Spreadsheets
Publication: Baker, KD and CS Thummel (2007) Diabetic larvae and obese flies - emerging studies of metabolism in Drosophila. Cell Metabolism, 6: 257-266.
Supplemental Table 1. Drosophila genes predicted to function in metabolism
Publication: King-Jones, K., Horner, M.A., Lam, G. and C.S. Thummel (2006) The DHR96 nuclear receptor regulates xenobiotic responses in Drosophila. Cell Metabolism, 4: 37-48.
Supplemental Table 1. Phenobarbital-regulated genes in CanS wild type flies
Supplemental Table 2. Genes that change their expression in PB-treated DHR96[1] mutants
Supplemental Table 3. Genes that change their expression in untreated DHR96[1] mutants compared to untreated CanS controls
Supplemental Table 4. Genes that change their expression upon ectopic hsDHR96 expression
Supplemental Table 5. Overlap (102 genes) between CanS:CanS (±PB) and CanS:DHR96[1] (+PB)
Supplemental Table 6. Overlap of 83 genes that are down-regulated in both untreated DHR96[1] mutants and PB-treated wild type flies
Supplemental Table 7. Overlap (102 genes) between CanS:CanS (±PB) and w:hsDHR96
Publication: Beckstead, R.B., Lam, G., and C.S. Thummel (2005) The genomic response to 20-hydroxyecdysone at the onset of Drosophila metamorphosis. Genome Biology, 6: R99.
Supplemental Table 1. A list of 4,188 genes that change their expression ≥1.5-fold in at least one time point in EcR RNAi prepupae.
Supplemental Table 2. A list of 20E-regulated and 20E primary-response genes.
Publication: Ward, R.E., Reid, P., Bashirullah, A., D'Avino, P.P. and C.S. Thummel (2003) GFP in living animals reveals dynamic developmental responses to ecdysone during Drosophila metamorphosis. Dev. Biol., 256: 389-402.
The movies listed below are derived from data described in each figure in the original paper. See the corresponding figure number for details.
Movie 1A. Translocation and destruction of the larval salivary glands in an early pupa, visualized from the ventral side.
Movie 1B. Translocation and destruction of the larval salivary glands in an early pupa, visualized from the lateral side.
Movie 2. Destruction of the larval abdominal muscles.
Movie 3. Salivary glands fail to die in rbp5 mutants.
Movie 4. Muscles fail to die in rbp5 mutants.
Movie 5. Imaginal disc morphogenesis and head eversion establish the basic body plan of the adult fly.
Movie 6. Movement of a T1 leg in an early prepupa and pupal morphogenetic events.
Movie 7. br5 mutants display no eversion or elongation of leg imaginal discs
Movie 8. crol3 mutants display defects in adult leg morphogenesis.